In-Person Clinics
Clinics are a great way to learn new aspects of pool. You are led by an expert pool instructor who leads a focused class of instruction and demonstration, and then oversees students engaged in performing learned activities. This is a proven way to accelerate learning: hearing, seeing, then doing.

Our Clinic is broken down in two sessions (targeting group separated by skill level):
Session 1: 1 - 4 PM -- For Beginners (Basic Fundamentals)
Session 2: 5 - 7 PM -- Learn Several One- & Two-Rail Kicking Systems
Our sequence of events for training is simple and proven:
As students gather, and just prior to beginning training, you will have time to get food and drink to bring into the training room (the VIP Room).
Then, we'll conduct introductions and engage in a fun and fast ice-breaker.
Next, you will all be comfortably seated around the demonstration table, where you can sip and eat with your hand-outs in front of you.
Following the demonstration of material, we will go to pool tables outside the VIP Room, where you will begin to execute what you learned in the demonstration setting. Instructors are with you the whole way, making ample adjustments along the way.
You will also be given ample opportunity to meet both Center Pocket management, as well as the owners of the in-house pro shop, S&T Billiards.
Finally, we will regather for a fun parting game on the pool table that all participate in for possible cash prizes!